Sunday, April 20, 2008

Charlotte vs Charlotte

I just recently watched Charlotte's Web the movie and it was really interesting to compare and contrast to the class story. I watched the newest movie, that Disney just came out with and it was really good. I really enjoyed it and it surprisingly was just like the book. It was harder for me to find differences, which was really shocking. Even the quotes are almost exact from the book. The one main difference I noticed, was the challenges of Charlotte. In the book, she was a very well respected spider and all the characters including Wilbur knew it. In the movie however, Charlotte had to prove herself more to the other animals. They barely even knew she existed, and that made her role a lot more challenging. She started off as sort of the underdog, in which not many of the animals believed in her and than ended up as a Hero... as the character who saved Wilbur's life.

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