Sunday, February 3, 2008

A Rhyming Lesson

As a future elementary teacher you are always keeping in mind ideas of how to teach certain lessons. After taking many reading courses, it has taught me how children's books can be such a great asset in the classroom and are capable of teaching children so many things. Tonight I was looking through some of my children's books and I came across Miss Spider's Tea Party. As I was reading I noticed it had counting in it, rhyming, mentioned a variety of different insects and a great theme on friendship. It got me thinking of the different ways I could use this book to teach a variety of different lessons. I really liked the idea of using it to teach rhyming. I thought as a teacher I could read the book out loud to the children and then once we were finished we could go back through and point out all the words that rhymed. This book is particular a fun book because it has very vibrant pictures that are very intriging. Once the children could point out the words that rhymed you than could discuss other words that rhyme. As an extra activity that would be really fun, you could have the children add to the story by coming up with their own insect and rhyme to go along with it.

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